Docs - Observable Markov models

by Will Paul Project | Credits


$$ \lambda = (Q, A) $$ $$ Q = q_{1}q_{2}...q_{N} $$ a set of N states $$ A = a_{11}a_{12}...a_{n1}..a_{nn} $$ an NxN transition probability matrix


The above is the beginning of a formal definition of a simple Markov model. While formalism is an important part of mathematics, I think its best to approach formal definitions after developing an intuition about what the underlying process is all about. And what better way to do that than through an interactive visualization?

default visualization state screenshot

Screenshot of the default visualization state

visualization with some user changes

Screenshot of the visualization after some user interactions

Design & technical motivations

The goal was to represent a mathematical concept with as little math as possible. At first I thought this would mean that the visualization would require certain knowledge dependencies and that I would need to either link out or explain: conditional probability, finite state automata, transducers, etc. In the end I decided to avoid going into any depth about these to keep the wall of text surrounding the visualization to an absolute minimum.

I decided to use a force layout originally to facilitate organization of the nodes, of course now that I see how it lays out the nodes it would have been possible to do this without any physics. However, I do think having them bob around and unfold as they roll adds to the fun of the interaction, so I still think it was a good choice.

Project requirements

Why it's cool

Obviously, since it's not a game not much of Blastem carried over into its implementation, other than some high level JS and Canvas concepts. Here are a few aspects of the project that I think make it cool, which I figured out on my own:

Issues & future work

I originally intended on visualizing the hidden Markov process, as it has more exciting applications (used in machine translation, speech recognition, autocomplete, basically anything where your trying to uncover something about a sequence where order matters). However, making a compelling visualization requires implementing the Forward, Forward-Backward, and Viterbi algorithms, which while doable was definitely out of scope for this project. I hope to extend this project in the future to include those as well.

The biggest issue I ran into was drawing the curves appropriately. At first I was trying to do it with cos and sin directly, but I quickly realized that the code was getting unreadable fast and that it was taking way too much time figuring all that out. So I decided to implement my Point/Vector object, which is really just a light abstraction over what I was already doing, but makes life so much easier in terms of wrapping your head around it immediately and of course five minutes later when you've forgotten everything you just did

The biggest outstanding bug is with the matrix table and the rows summing to 1. It is fairly robust, but since it still deals with JS floats rounding errors do happen (0.1 is repeating in binary). To fix this I need to deal with ints and convert back and forth between them and floats, but since it doesn't effect the actual probabilities in the simulation and the errors are always very small, I decided to focus on the other aspects of the project instead.