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Review of: Market power and regulation

Regulation of public services produced by monopolies or oligopolies in a way that balances production, innovation, and performance is a really, really hard problem. Jean Tirole has spent most of his academic career studying the ways these power relationships interact generally and then exploring specific...

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rtasklib update march 16th

Over the last couple of weeks the overall architecture has been in a state of flux as I have been swapping pieces in out to see what will work best. Now as I approach my original milestone for having this in a working condition things are starting to fall into place. Models for tasks and configuration...

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task_time and rtasklib updates March 8th

Last week I talked about how all existing TaskWarrior wrappers were not going to satisfy the requirements for task_time, so I decided to roll my own Ruby wrapper rtasklib and started working on the JSON to domain object marshalling and vice versa. I realized that I was reinventing the wheel a bit...

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Open Source Business Models and Implications

The GPL doesn’t actually care what enterprise companies do with the code internally, even if they make changes, distribution only counts if it happens outside of their immediate company. There are four major business models built around open source software: Support Sellers (e.g. give away the recipe...

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Review of Common FOSS Organizational Issues

This chapter gives an overview of ways that a FOSS organization can limit their individual liability, primarily through various means of incorporation. It serves as a guide to the various options available and clairifies some general (but not case specific) requirements to maintain a nonprofit status...

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task_time update March 1st

Last week I talked about picking an appropriate TaskWarrior wrapper for my task_time project. A rundown of the options are taskw (Python, GPL, low on documentation, durations not implemented yet), tasklib (Python, BSD, good documentation, durations not implemented, does not read in users .taskrc)...

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A Comparison of Task Warrior Wrappers

So as it turns out there were 3 main libraries written to interact with the TaskWarrior database (I think there is also a Perl and maybe a PHP wrapper as well, but I couldn’t find them again and let’s face it: I’m not interested in using either of those languages anyways).

Python: taskw, GPL v3

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