A Comparison of Task Warrior Wrappers

LinuxDev task_time

So as it turns out there were 3 main libraries written to interact with the TaskWarrior database (I think there is also a Perl and maybe a PHP wrapper as well, but I couldn't find them again and let's face it: I'm not interested in using either of those languages anyways).

Blink project: Hacking on an Arduino

Physical Computing Arduino

For my Physical Computing & Alt Interfaces class we had to use an Arduino (I have the latest Uno) to control LED(s) in a non-trivial way. I knew I wanted to make some kind of LED matrix, but didn't know how big of one I could make on my half sized breadboard and limited number of pins. What I ended up with was a 16 LED (4x4) matrix controlled by just 8 pins, each of which can be individually controlled.

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